North Frontenac Historical Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and sharing the history of our rural area. We have created an index of cemeteries, an historical archives, and a self-led historical road tour. We organize events to promote our local heritage. Our team of volunteers is passionate about history and committed to making it accessible to everyone.
Charitable donations
NFHSA is a registered charitable organization that provides income tax receipts for donations of $10 or more. These funds support our local history research, expenses for community events (such as hall rental and items for displays), and the production of publications. The donor may direct the funds to specific projects of special interest to them.
We would like to acknowledge our major donors, Frank and Marie Swaye of Maryland, USA. Their very generous donation helped to pay for the framing of the World War 1 mural AND partial funding for the cemetery signs. The charitable designation was not important to them as they cannot claim the donation as an income tax deduction. Frank and Marie have been regular donors when the organization was Clarendon and Miller Archives. Such support is truly appreciated!

Keep up to date with our meetings and special events on our Facebook page.