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Ompah Cemetery

9676 Road 506 Ompah,  ON

Ompah Cemetery is situated west of Ompah on a hill on the south side of Road 509. It is Part lot 28 Concession 1 and Part Lot 28 Concession 2 and part of a road allowance between Concessions 1 and 2., It is in the geographic Palmerston Ward, Township of North Frontenac.

The oldest burial is June 15, 1853 when W. Stewart was interred at age 86 years. The cemetery is divided in sections as parts were added on. The first section was originally known as A was the oldest part. In 1888 the Roman Catholic Church St. Leo’s in Ompah purchased a squared half acre adjoining the Protestant part, then known as Ompah Protestant Cemetery. A middle section known as B and a new part known as C have been cleared for a fourth part for future use. Robert Sproule was one of the people who donated land for the newer sections. In the late 1960s the cemetery required attention. A Committee was struck to clear the brush and to keep it mowed.


The Moore family began Memorial Services on Sunday of the long weekend in August to raise funds for upkeep. This family continues with the tradition at present.


The Township took over maintenance responsibilities as well as the sale of plots. With the present organization there are 1800 plots counting the ones with tombstones, ones already purchased and ones available. The three previous sections have been integrated making plots available regardless of denomination.

Check out the research we have completed on individuals interred here.

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