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St. Kilian's Catholic Cemetery

6041 Road 506 North Frontenac,  ON


In 1866/67 when the district was sparsely settled, Reverend J.J. Chisholm from Perth made visits to Ardoch. After his death no priests came to the area for three years. Reverend C.A. McWilliams was the next to visit; he came to both Ardoch and Ompah. Other priests made a few visits including, Father D. Mcrae, J.J. McCarthy, P.A. Twohey and M. Donohue.

The Reverend V.J. Killeen began making trips to Ardoch in 1889 from his parish in Bedford. He was instrumental in having St. Kilian church built in Ardoch in 1892. In later years the rise in summer visitors made the small church inadequate so in 1967 a new church, also called St. Kilian, was built across the road. The new church was used in the summer months and the original church was used in the winter. In recent years the new church was winterized to be used year-round and the original was closed. When the original church was sold, the bell was relocated to the new church.

In 1900 a change was made and the mission was attended for 10 years by the Marist Fathers then living in Railton. Their names are listed here.
Fathers: G.M.B Bridonnaeu (1900), Chas. Grenot (1903), J.M. LeNeillon, J.M Castex, LeCarie,
LeClerc, Louis Chailloux, Bovens and others.

In 1910 Ardoch became a mission of Flinton and has been served by pastors from Flinton since that time. Father John Powell was the pastor from 1910 to 1916. Other pastors included:
Edgar Piche (1916-30),W.J. Kinlin (1930-42), Joe Collins (1942), WM. J. Buckley (1942-49),
L. Lamarche (1949-52), John Ferguson (1952-59), Jas. McGarvey (1959-63), Peter Murphy and (1963-70), Patrick Carty (1970).

Check out the research we have completed on individuals interred here. 

Each individual gravesite has been given an alphanumerical plot number. The grid for 
St. Kilian's Cemetery is illustrated below. Individuals buried in the Algonquin First Nations Burial Ground do not have tombstones. 


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