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St. Mark's Anglican Cemetery

2182 Harlowe Road, North Frontenac ON


The land for St. Mark’s church and cemetery was obtained in 1911 through an agreement with James Morrison (ancestor of the Baker family). The acre lot allowed a church to be built on the knoll over-looking the present cemetery. The first interred was in 1907 and it continued to be active with two weddings recorded (for Carol and Darlene Baker). The most recent burial at the cemetery was in 2015.


Attendance became low and the lack of interest and funds caused the church to fall in disrepair. The Anglican Diocese did not want to continue with its responsibility. The church was deconsecrated. Mrs. John Savigny was enlisted to sell the church; it was sold to a Quebec-based organization, L’Arche Frontenac. Before the group moved into the site, it was renovated by Joe Cote. The building was used as a retreat for mentally disabled adults in the 1970s-early 1980s. After this ownership, the property was offered back to the Anglican Diocese who declined. Next, Ken Cuddy was hired to dismantle the church. The stained- glass windows were sold to Doreen Howard who owned a Northbrook tole painting shop.  The property ended up back to the Township and the cemetery has been maintained well ever since. 

Each cemetery page describes one of the following burial situations for individuals.

  • a tombstone is in place for the interred

  • a name is on a tombstone but the person is living

  • a marked grave in a known location

  • an unmarked grave in an unknown location

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